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British Values


Our school is made up of people from a wide range of backgrounds; we aim to promote understanding and appreciation of different faiths, races and cultures both within the school and the wider world. Tolerance of different faiths, races and beliefs is promoted through the curriculum. We actively promote courtesy and good manners towards everyone. Ensuring we actively monitor and tackle all forms of bullying, racism and harassment. This includes cyberbullying, and prejudice-based bullying related to appearance, SEN, race, religion, belief and disability.

Individual liberty

We know our rights and exercise them in school and beyond. As long as we do not break the rules we can express our own views. We are responsible for our own actions and challenge prejudice. Together we are a community who care, respect and understand each other. We accept the beliefs and faiths of others. We provide a safe and supportive environment in which we encourage all to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms while respecting that everyone else also has the same rights. Pupils are encouraged to make good choices within safe boundaries. They are given the opportunity to resolve conflicts effectively and are supported by staff when needed.


All children are encouraged to have their say, express their views and contribute to the running of the school on matters which directly involve children. We have an elected School Council, and house captains. These children work with the staff to raise standards and ensure that every voice is heard in our school.


We believe that respect for others is a vital component of moral development, encouraging open discussions in all areas, but especially in lessons which promote citizenship, such as PSHE. We actively support all to develop their own reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, encouraging pupils to understand the rights and responsibilities as citizens within our school and wider community. We regularly support a range of charities – both locally, in London, nationally and internationally. 

Rule of Law

We have high expectations of pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy. Through our school assemblies, class discussions and PSHE lessons, children are taught about the British Values and the school rules. We respect the school rules and laws in society; we help each other to do the right thing. We are honest, truthful and loyal.