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Year 5 - Ivy and Mistletoe



Check your Bug Club, Purple Mash, Active Learn, Google Classroom & Rockstars accounts to see what new learning your teacher may have set for you. 


As always, you should be reading 30 minutes daily and practising spellings and times tables.

Home Learning

Home learning is set every Thursday and should be returned by Tuesday.


Children may be given a maths activity to complete on paper or asked to complete a task online such as Abacus, Active Learn or Rockstars times tables practise.

Active Learn login:  Usernames for the website are the first 2 letters of the child’s name, followed by the first 2 letters of their surname. The generic password is maths.

E.g. John Smith

Username: josm

Password: maths

School code: lchs


Please ensure your child reads every evening for 30 minutes. Bug Club has plenty of books to choose from and also contains quizzes to check the understanding of the text.

Year 5/6 High Frequency words

  • Active Learn School Reading (Bug Club) and Maths Programme - Login required