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How to pronounce the graphemes

Here you will find videos modelling how to pronounce each letter sound correctly. You will see that, when pronouncing a letter sound, it is important to say the letter in a short, sharp manner without adding "uh" to the end of the letter sound.

Phase 2 - the children learn the basic letter sounds for each grapheme, mostly single letter graphemes.

Phase 3 - the children learn the basic letter sounds for each grapheme, mostly double letter sounds (digraphs) and triple letter sounds (trigraphs).

Phase 4 - the children learn how to read longer words containing the digraphs and trigraphs learned in Phase 2 and 3.

Phase 5 - the children will learn alternative graphemes for each letter sound.  You will find information about the alternative graphemes, below the videos.

Phase 2 Letter Sounds Pronunciation - Part 1

Phase 2 Letter Sounds Pronunciation - Part 2

Phase 3 Letter Sounds Pronunciation

This grapheme mat is used by children in Reception

Alternative Graphemes

In Year 1, the children will begin to learn that a phoneme (a letter sound) can be written in many different ways. For example, the letter sound 'ee' can be written 'ee' (feed), 'ey' (key), 'ie' (thief), 'ea' (read), 'e-e' (swede) and 'y' (funny). The children know these as alternative graphemes.

Below you will find our Phase 5 alternative grapheme mat.

This grapheme mat is used by children in Year 1 and above